Go Paperless with
HIPAA Compliant Forms!

Speed up your patient workflow while reduce the burden on staff.

Intake, Check-In, Ad-hoc Consents
Intake, Check-In,
Ad-hoc Consents
Auto-generated Provider Note
Provider Note
Screenings & Marketing
Screenings &
Payment Capture
Five Star Rating

"Within a few months we have had more than 90% completion of forms before the patient comes into the office, saving us check in time and material costs."

Joseph Mathews, Practice Administrator
Advanced Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine (A Division of OrthoLoneStar)

Patient Intake

  • Mobile friendly and easy to use
  • Personal device or onsite tablet
  • Dynamic show/hide logic
  • Multi-language support
  • Comprehensive and customizable
  • Integrated to EMRs
Patient Intake

Digital Check-in

  • Complete prior to arrival or on premises
  • Review and update info (ex: address, insurance)
  • Sign annual legal forms, fill screenings/questionnaires
  • Capture images, payment, MIPS related data
  • Configurable and customizable
  • Integrated to EMRs
Digital Check-in
Image Capture

Image Capture

We make it easy for patients to use their personal devices to capture images of their insurance cards, identity card such as a driver’s license, as well as a selfie. Some of our customers have even used this capability to ask patients to take photos of their medication bottles!

Screening & Marketing

Use criteria such as provider, chief complaint, age, and more to dynamically display screenings such as PHQ-9, GAD-7, Oswestry, Fall Risk, or SNOT. Additionally, patients can also be educated about ancillary services offered by the practice. All this data can be captured in exportable data reports or integrated with your EMR.

Screening & Marketing
Payment Form

Payment Capture

During our Pre-appointment Check-in process, we seamlessly embed a payment form provided by our payment partners such as InstaMed® and PayGround. This allows patients to pay their balance due or copayment amounts. You can also use these payment partners for additional services such as online bill pay, point-of-sale payment capture, and payment plans.

Customized to Meet Your Specific Needs

Additional Form Packets

Additional Form Packets

Need to support scenarios such as “New Patient 2nd Complaint” or “Established Patient New Problem”? Need a patient to sign just one specific consent form on an ad-hoc basis? Need to capture a witness signature as well? Need signed forms to be auto-uploaded into the EMR? Consider it done! The Simple Interact platform allows for extensive customization without any code changes.

MIPS-related Data Capture

MIPS-related Data Capture

Thanks to our form customization capability, you can automatically collect data that is related to MIPS quality measures from your patients. This reduces the burden on your staff, makes data collection more consistent, improves your MIPS score, and helps avoid Medicare penalty. Click here for more information.

White Glove Service

White Glove Service

You are a busy practice and your time is not best-served if you have to design and build forms. With Simple Interact, all you need to do is explain the specific business problem you are trying to address. Our team of expert designers will create a solution while paying attention to design, patient experience, patient participation, integration, reporting, and staff training. Personalized service is about more than replicating your paper process — it’s about getting results for your organization.

What our customers are saying

Business Impact

Business Impact

  • Streamline and speed up patient workflow
  • Reduce material, hardware, and staff costs
  • Increase revenue, and payment capture
  • Increase provider utilization
  • Automate MIPS related data capture
  • Improve patient access and covenience
What to expect

What to expect

  • Core functionality turned on in less than a month
  • Results delivered immediately
  • Phased rollout to minimize disruption
  • Short and easy training sessions per phase
  • Low learning curve for staff
  • Exceptional customer service

More Information

Learn more about our
complete platform

Have questions?

We would love to share our expertise in front office automation.

Call us if you just have questions.

844-255-7467 Ext 1

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