
Learn helpful patient engagement solutions for the waiting room, plus tips on how to reduce or avoid waiting room delays altogether.

Patient Engagement Solutions for Waiting Rooms
September 26, 2023

No two healthcare organizations are identical, which is why customization is crucial for front-office automation. But what kind of customization do you need?

Customized Solutions: A Great Fit for Our Customers 
September 19, 2023

Learn how we ensure our customers get the maximum benefit from using Simple Interact, both now and in the future.

How We Ensure Customers Maximize Their Results With Simple Interact
September 12, 2023

Do your providers still prefer paper in-hand? Our one-page summary collects all vital patient data for an at-a-glance view of patient history.

Forms Feature: One-Page Summary of Medical History
September 5, 2023

Uncover the secret of front-office automation success: Simple Interact’s proactive customer success advocates ensuring seamless customer rollouts of our solution.

Beyond the Tech: The Key to Successful Front Office Automation
August 29, 2023

Instead of a piecemeal solution using 7 different vendors, discover the benefits of a comprehensive, single-vendor platform for front-office automation.

How a One-Stop Solution Offers Outsized Benefits to Your Practice
August 22, 2023

Explore the potential of a digital front door in healthcare for streamlined patient engagement, enhanced operational efficiency, and better health outcomes.

The Digital Front Door: The Healthcare Strategy You’re Missing for Improved Patient Engagement
August 15, 2023

Learn 7 major areas where you can implement digital patient forms in your healthcare facility to move toward a completely paperless operation!

7 Scenarios in Which You Need Digital Patient Forms 
August 1, 2023

Learn how a well-designed pain location chart can help avoid frustration, improve operations, and let patients feel heard by their providers.

How This Pain Location Chart Improves Practice Processes
July 25, 2023

Optimize your digital forms for all patients, including the elderly. Learn how making your forms simple and accessible can lead to higher participation rates.

Think Elderly Patients Won’t Complete Digital Forms? Think Again…  
July 18, 2023

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844-255-7467 Ext 1

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